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2. Liyun Song, Shunjin Peng, Yang Shu. Preparation of the Functionated POSS Nano-partical Wearing Perfluoro Aryl Ether Dendron. Advanced material research. 2011, 148-149:1212-1216. (Ei)
3. Shunjin Peng,Liyun Song. The Suspensionemulsion Combined Polymerization of FluorinatedAcrylic Monomer and the Fluorinated Latex Film Surface Properties.Colloid and Polymer Science. 2011, 289:149–157. (Sci,Ei)
4. Shunjin Peng,Lei Zhao,Limin Wu. Surface Properties of Fluorinated Acrylate Polymers Latex Films.Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin., 2007, 23(4), 531-536.(Sci)
5. Shun-jin Peng Æ Qi-chao Zou. An investigation on the surface properties of lyocell-based carbon fiber with inverse gas chromatography,J Mater Sci (2007) 42:6907–6912;DOI 10.1007/s10853-006-1488-3. (Sci,Ei)
6. Shunjin Peng, Huili Shao, Xuechao Hu.Lyocell Fibers as the Precursor of Carbon Fibers, Appl. Polym. Sci.,2003,90:1941–1947.(Sci,Ei)