发布时间:2023-10-26 发布者: 浏览次数:




Email: xianzhang@wust.edu.cn

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张弦2014年于瑞典皇家理工学院获得博士学位,主要从事金属材料的腐蚀防护相关研究。近年来,入选湖北省楚天学者计划‘楚天学子’和湖北省青年科技晨光计划,先后主持国家自然科学基金、武汉市科技局知识创新专项、省部共建国家重点实验室基金和企业横向课题等项目8项;在本领域权威期刊发表高水平SCI论文30余篇包括Corrosion ScienceApplied Surface Sciencetop期刊论文;此外获批国家专利两项。


1) 钢铁及合金材料在苛刻环境中的腐蚀机理;

2) 微纳米尺度下的原位腐蚀监测技术;

3) 新型材料在腐蚀防护技术的应用。


[1] 南海大气环境中耐候钢微观界面的初期腐蚀行为及机理, 青年基金,国家自然科学基金委, 20万,2017.1-2020.12.

[2] 海洋环境下微纳结构贝氏体钢腐蚀失效的力学-电化学交互作业机制,武汉市科学技术局知识创新专项,10万,2022.6-2024.6.

[3] 海洋环境下超细结构贝氏体钢的初期腐蚀行为及机理研究, 青年基金,省部共建耐火材料与冶金国家重点实验室, 5万,2018.1-2019.12.

[4] 微纳结构贝氏体钢的显微组织与腐蚀失效的关联性研究,冶金工业过程系统科学湖北省重点实验室,1万,2022.1.1-2023.12.31.

[5] 铁基材料在模拟地下水环境的腐蚀行为研究, 理科横向,兴核科学研究(福建)有限责任公司, 5万,2019.10-2019.12.

[6] 超临界水氧化装置材料的腐蚀及安全评价, 理科横向,兴核科学研究(福建)有限责任公司, 40万,2020.5-2021.4.

[7] 碘吸附材料表征,理科横向,中国原子能科学研究院,12.45万元,2021.12-2022.12.

[8] 超细晶镍基合金的制备及性能评价,理科横向,厦门千仪佰汇商贸有限责任公司,10万元,2022.10-2023.10.


[1] X. Zhang*, L. Gong, Y. Feng, Z. Wang, M. Yang, L. Cheng, J. Liu, K. Wu, Effect of Retained Austenite on Corrosion Behavior of Ultrafine Bainitic Steel in Marine Environment, Acta Metall. Sin.-Engl., 2023, 36(5): 717-731.

[2] X. Hu, X. Zhang*, C. Pi, J. Liu, A. Lin, K. Wu, Study on formation mechanism and corrosion resistance of an environmentally protective insulating coating on non-oriented electrical steel, Mater. Chem. Phys., 2023, 304: 127819.

[3] Y. Zhang, X. Zhang*, S. Chen, J. Liu, T. Li, L. Wang, K. Wu, Corrosion behavior and passive film properties of nickel-based alloy in phosphoric acid, Corrosion Communications, 2023, 9: 77-88.

[4] Z. H. Wang, X. Zhang*, H. W. Yu, J. Liu, L. Cheng, S. E. Hu, K. M. Wu*, Effects of pearlite on corrosion initiation and propagation in weathering steels in marine environments, J Mater. Sci.,2022, 57:6039-6055.

[5] Y. H. Wang, X. Zhang*, L. Cheng, J. Liu, T. P. Hou, K. M. Wu*, Correlation between active/inactive (Ca, Mg, Al)-Ox-Sy inclusions and localised marine corrosion of EH36 steels, J Mater. Res. Technol., 2021,13:2419-2432.

[6] Z. H. Wang, X. Zhang*, L. Cheng, J. Liu, K. M. Wu*, Role of inclusion and microstructure on corrosion initiation and propagation of weathering steels in marine environment, J Mater. Res. Technol., 2021, 10: 306-321.

[7] W. Z. Wei, K. M. Wu, J. Liu, L. Cheng, X. Zhang*, Initiation and propagation of localized corrosion induced by (Zr, Ti, Al)-Ox inclusions in low-alloy steels in marine environment, J. Iron Steel Res. Int., 28(2021): 453-463.

[8] W. Z. Wei, K. M. Wu, X. Zhang*, J. Liu, P. Qiu, L. Cheng*, In-situ characterization of initial marine corrosion induced by rare-earth elements modified inclusions in Zr-Ti deoxidized low-alloy steels, J Mater. Res. Technol., 9(2) (2020) 1412-1424.

[9] X. Zhang*, W. Z. Wei, L. Cheng, J. Liu, K. M. Wu*, M. Liu, Effects of niobium and rare earth elements on microstructure and initial marine corrosion behavior of low-alloy steels, Appl. Surf. Sci., 475 (2019) 83-93.

[10] X. Zhang, I. Odnevall Wallinder, C. Leygraf*, The protective role of hydrozincite during initial corrosion of a Cu40Zn alloy in chloride-containing laboratory atmosphere, Corrosion Science, 103 (2016) 20-29.

[11] X. Zhang, I. Odnevall Wallinder, C. Leygraf*, Mechanistic studies of corrosion product flaking on copper and copper-based alloys in marine environments, Corros. Sci., 85 (2014) 15-25.

[12] X. Zhang, C. Leygraf, I. Odnevall Wallinder*, Atmospheric corrosion of Galfan coatings on steel in chloride-rich environments, Corros. Sci., 73 (2013) 62-71.


